Monday, December 5, 2011

6.02 Getting an Education

Life Plan:

My life plan is to become a police officer. I get there from here by staying out of trouble and getting through high school. The only education that is needed is to complete high school but I plan on getting a 2 year degree so I can get higher pay when I pass the police academy. I can prepare to enter the police academy exercising and staying in shape. This will take about two years since I have to be 19 to enter the academy.


I think my goals are very reasonable. Writing a life plan is something I don't like to do. My life plan is generally very easy as long as I don't get into trouble and stay in physical shape. I think other people should write life plans if they have very extravagant life goals like being a doctor or actor. These goals take a lot more steps and in those cases life plans are great.

Lesson 6.01

Reporter - Sports

The location of this job is Blacksburg, Virginia which is right around Richmond. The person in this position can make about $45,000-52,000 a year. 3 to 5 years experience required and proper knowledge of Microsoft Word and bloggers. Education level is high school and they expect you to be knowledgeable in sports.

Lesson 6.00

 There are many journalists in the world and only a few make it big. Recentlty I have been watching a lot of CNN and I came across Piers Morgan. I previously know Morgans from Americas Got Talent as the out spoken judge that hurts everyones feelings. He now has his own show, Piers Morgan Tonight. Morgan began his career at Harlow College getting his degree in Journalism. He landed his first job at South London News as a reporter. He then left South London News and floated around to many major networks including editor of News of the World. Piers Morgan has a lot of experience.

 Morgans new position at CNN doesnt differ much than his previous jobs. He has always been a reporter and editor. He conducts his interviews every night for the world to watch. He took over for the retired Larry King and in my opinion is at the top of his career. Whenver a network will fill you in with a position Larry King held you are very good.