Monday, December 5, 2011

6.02 Getting an Education

Life Plan:

My life plan is to become a police officer. I get there from here by staying out of trouble and getting through high school. The only education that is needed is to complete high school but I plan on getting a 2 year degree so I can get higher pay when I pass the police academy. I can prepare to enter the police academy exercising and staying in shape. This will take about two years since I have to be 19 to enter the academy.


I think my goals are very reasonable. Writing a life plan is something I don't like to do. My life plan is generally very easy as long as I don't get into trouble and stay in physical shape. I think other people should write life plans if they have very extravagant life goals like being a doctor or actor. These goals take a lot more steps and in those cases life plans are great.

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