Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lesson 7.00

Before I took this class I thought a journalist was a person that wrote newspaper columns and that's it. I had this overall idea that journalism was just a person sitting in an office and writing. Not only did I have an idea of them sitting behind a desk but I thought they could write whatever they wanted too. I never knew the difference between impartial news and opinion. This career seemed really boring to me and I never wanted to do it.

After taking this course my ideas have changed about journalism. I believe the purpose of journalism is to inform, entertain and sometimes even persuade people in your reporting. I now know that journalist have ethics and they have to follow these rules. There is a fine line between impartial and opinion news. I cant really say I want a career in journalism but it has given me a strong respect for people in this field.

Monday, December 5, 2011

6.02 Getting an Education

Life Plan:

My life plan is to become a police officer. I get there from here by staying out of trouble and getting through high school. The only education that is needed is to complete high school but I plan on getting a 2 year degree so I can get higher pay when I pass the police academy. I can prepare to enter the police academy exercising and staying in shape. This will take about two years since I have to be 19 to enter the academy.


I think my goals are very reasonable. Writing a life plan is something I don't like to do. My life plan is generally very easy as long as I don't get into trouble and stay in physical shape. I think other people should write life plans if they have very extravagant life goals like being a doctor or actor. These goals take a lot more steps and in those cases life plans are great.

Lesson 6.01

Reporter - Sports

The location of this job is Blacksburg, Virginia which is right around Richmond. The person in this position can make about $45,000-52,000 a year. 3 to 5 years experience required and proper knowledge of Microsoft Word and bloggers. Education level is high school and they expect you to be knowledgeable in sports.

Lesson 6.00

 There are many journalists in the world and only a few make it big. Recentlty I have been watching a lot of CNN and I came across Piers Morgan. I previously know Morgans from Americas Got Talent as the out spoken judge that hurts everyones feelings. He now has his own show, Piers Morgan Tonight. Morgan began his career at Harlow College getting his degree in Journalism. He landed his first job at South London News as a reporter. He then left South London News and floated around to many major networks including editor of News of the World. Piers Morgan has a lot of experience.

 Morgans new position at CNN doesnt differ much than his previous jobs. He has always been a reporter and editor. He conducts his interviews every night for the world to watch. He took over for the retired Larry King and in my opinion is at the top of his career. Whenver a network will fill you in with a position Larry King held you are very good.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

5.05 Lead Sentence and Outline

Lead Sentence: The recent political debate between Mitt Romney and fellow politicians is causing public attention because of his religious beliefs and people are wondering if this is going to affect his chances of winning the presidency.


Lead Sentence/Introduction
-The problem
-Public attention

Religion and Politics
-Founding Fathers?

Does Politics Mix
-Recent controversy events

Monday, October 31, 2011

5.04 Elements of a Good Interview

Interview with Nick Baez : 
1. What political party do you consider yourself to be in and why?
I consider myself to be a republican because my dad is a republican and I dont care much for democrats.

2. If I may ask, what religion do you consider yourself?
I'm an atheist. I dont think religion is any good.

3. Why do you consider yourself a non believer?
I consider myself an atheist because that's how I believe.

4. Due to your views on religion do you believe religion has a part in politics?
I dont think religion has a place anywhere. If you bring it into politics then the whole world is going to go down the drain.

5.  Why do you consider religion evil? Hasn't religion done a lot of good to America?
I dont consider religion evil. I consider the politics behind it evil. Religion hasn't done one thing good except cause violence.

6. I dont know if you have heard about the recent drama in politics about Mitt Romney but what do you think about the man?
I think Mitt Romney is a cool guy but he needs to tone it down with his openness about religion.

7. Does your opinion on him involve his religious beliefs or his political views?
My opinion involves both because a person is full of opinion when he has religious views.

8. Due to your young age do you feel that you will ever feel differently about the topic of religion and politics mixing together?
No I wont feel differently about the topic of religion and politics. They always stay the same and never change.

9. Do you think that politicians are all biased when it comes to religious views?
No, I dont think politicians are biased when it comes to religious views because I wouldn't be biased because I dont believe.

10. Thank you for your time. Do you have any additional comments?
No I'm good.

Interview wirh Cameron Schneider:

1. What political party do you consider yourself to be in and why?
I consider myself a republican because I have always thought that the republicans of private business ideas was best.

2. What religion do you consider yourself?
I consider myself a Christian.

3. Why do you consider yourself a christian?
I consider myself a christian because I believe in the gospel and the research I put into the religion.

4. Do you believe religion has place in politics?
I believe religion has a place in politics but we need to limit it. It would be like to many politics in religion. It wouldn't work.

5. Do you think religion has had an influence on politics in the past?
Yes I think religion has had an influence on politics in the past because some of the founding fathers fought so hard to develop a country of freedom of religion.

6. Mitt Romney recently has been subject to a lot of ridicule because of his religious beliefs. Do you think that he should be ridiculed like that because of his views? Can you explain?
I dont think anyone should be subjected to ridicule because of their beliefs.

7. What is your opinion on Mitt Romeny as a politician?

I think Mitt Romney is a great politician as far as I can tell. All politicians dont tell the truth so we just have to pick the best ones.

8. Does these opinions reflect him solely as a politician or also his religious views?
I think these opinions are both because a mans character is based on his beliefs and actions.

9. Do you think all politicians are biased in some sort of religious belief and if so, do you think they should keep it secret?
I think they are all biased and they shouldn't keep it secret but they also shouldn't wave it around like a flag

10. Thank you for your time. Do you have any additional comments?

The interviews went fairly well. I had a really hard time holding my tongue with Nick but had to get through the interview without any argument. We are good friends but we have our differences and they definitely show. But trying to be a good interviewer I kept my composure and went along. In Cameron's interview everything went very well. I think both interviews could have been better if we were allowed more time to prepare but I wanted to get it done quickly.

5.03 Source Materials: Interviews

Interview Questions for Nick Baez :
1. What political party do you consider yourself to be in and why?
2. If I may ask, what religion do you consider yourself?
3. Why do you consider yourself a non believer?
4. Due to your views on religion do you believe religion has a part in politics?
5.  Why do you consider religion evil? Hasn't religion done a lot of good to America?
6. I dont know if you have heard about the recent drama in politics about Mitt Romney but what do you think about the man?
7. Does your opinion on him involve his religious beliefs or his political views?
8. Due to your young age do you feel that you will ever feel differently about the topic of religion and politics mixing together?
9. Do you think that politicians are all biased when it comes to religious views?
10. Thank you for your time. Do you have any additional comments?

Interview Questions for Cameron Schneider:
1. What political party do you consider yourself to be in and why?
2. What religion do you consider yourself?
3. Why do you consider yourself a christian?
4. Do you believe religion has place in politics?
5. Do you think religion has had an influence on politics in the past?
6. Mitt Romney recently has been subject to a lot of ridicule because of his religious beliefs. Do you think that he should be ridiculed like that because of his views? Can you explain?
7. What is your opinion on Mitt Romeny as a politician?
8. Does these opinions reflect him solely as a politician or also his religious views?
9. Do you think all politicians are biased in some sort of religious belief and if so, do you think they should keep it secret?
10. Thank you for your time. Do you have any additional comments?

Interview Questions for Karen Hart (My grandmother):
1. What political party do you consider yourself?
2. Why do you consider yourself an independent?
3. Because you feel so strongly about politicians lying does this affect your views on them?
4. Does your views on them also include their religious beliefs?
5. What religion do you consider yourself to be part of?
6. It seems like all politicians are biased in their views of religion since each person holds one. Do you think their beliefs carry over to their politics?
7. Mitt Romney has been very vocal with his religious views. What do you think about Mitt Romney?
8. Do you think politicians should tell everyone their religion?
9. Do you think that their religious beliefs would affect their votes?
10. Thank you for your time. Do you have any additional comments?

Conducting research before a interview is very important. It allows you to be prepared and know how your interviewee is going to react to your questions. I'm going to interview some of my close friends and relatives because that's all the people I can find. I'm choosing some of these questions because they are very important for my research topic. I have to ask their religious beliefs before I start asking my topic questions because that is a big factor in this question I'm going to address. I knew beforehand that they were totally fine with me asking this question.