Monday, October 31, 2011

5.03 Source Materials: Interviews

Interview Questions for Nick Baez :
1. What political party do you consider yourself to be in and why?
2. If I may ask, what religion do you consider yourself?
3. Why do you consider yourself a non believer?
4. Due to your views on religion do you believe religion has a part in politics?
5.  Why do you consider religion evil? Hasn't religion done a lot of good to America?
6. I dont know if you have heard about the recent drama in politics about Mitt Romney but what do you think about the man?
7. Does your opinion on him involve his religious beliefs or his political views?
8. Due to your young age do you feel that you will ever feel differently about the topic of religion and politics mixing together?
9. Do you think that politicians are all biased when it comes to religious views?
10. Thank you for your time. Do you have any additional comments?

Interview Questions for Cameron Schneider:
1. What political party do you consider yourself to be in and why?
2. What religion do you consider yourself?
3. Why do you consider yourself a christian?
4. Do you believe religion has place in politics?
5. Do you think religion has had an influence on politics in the past?
6. Mitt Romney recently has been subject to a lot of ridicule because of his religious beliefs. Do you think that he should be ridiculed like that because of his views? Can you explain?
7. What is your opinion on Mitt Romeny as a politician?
8. Does these opinions reflect him solely as a politician or also his religious views?
9. Do you think all politicians are biased in some sort of religious belief and if so, do you think they should keep it secret?
10. Thank you for your time. Do you have any additional comments?

Interview Questions for Karen Hart (My grandmother):
1. What political party do you consider yourself?
2. Why do you consider yourself an independent?
3. Because you feel so strongly about politicians lying does this affect your views on them?
4. Does your views on them also include their religious beliefs?
5. What religion do you consider yourself to be part of?
6. It seems like all politicians are biased in their views of religion since each person holds one. Do you think their beliefs carry over to their politics?
7. Mitt Romney has been very vocal with his religious views. What do you think about Mitt Romney?
8. Do you think politicians should tell everyone their religion?
9. Do you think that their religious beliefs would affect their votes?
10. Thank you for your time. Do you have any additional comments?

Conducting research before a interview is very important. It allows you to be prepared and know how your interviewee is going to react to your questions. I'm going to interview some of my close friends and relatives because that's all the people I can find. I'm choosing some of these questions because they are very important for my research topic. I have to ask their religious beliefs before I start asking my topic questions because that is a big factor in this question I'm going to address. I knew beforehand that they were totally fine with me asking this question.

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