Tuesday, August 23, 2011

01.02 Evolution of American Journalism

Journalism for early American history is just as important today as it was when it was granted to us by the Bill of Rights. The early Americans were given a big victory over the government. Not to many governments allow their citizens this right. This gave rise to many freedoms that we can now express freely.

The year is 1690 and one of the first American newspapers was published. This seems like it was a great success but it ended with the publisher being arrested. You may be asking, "Isn't this protected under our rights?" It is protected under our rights but not till the Bill of Rights was published. We are now allowed to express our opinions without worry of being thrown in jail as long as the comments aren't threatening. 

In the previous paragraph I was writing about how great the Bill of Rights is for our society. It gives us the freedom to write anything in the press we want. One example of that is publishing articles about religion. In America we are allowed to publish as many things as we want  about it. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. In other countries that would be very dangerous. So what happened if we didn't have freedom of the press? We would be thrown in jail and some publishers even killed if it got that extreme like in other countries. I believe there would be violence in the streets and it would snowball out of control. I have always been taught that you cant bottle up emotion or its going to explode. With freedom of the press we can read things we want and it sort of lets the emotions out. It is good for us and as a society.

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