Wednesday, August 31, 2011

1.04 Jornalism Today

Every time we turn on the television there is a new news report. It could be about a foreign issue or even a domestic issue that is down the street from where you live. In this lesson I was asked to interview three different people. The question I asked them was, "How do you get your news?" The answers differed since all three of these people come from different generations.

Before we get into the answers from these three people lets talk about the news. How do we get the news?  We get the news in many different ways. Journalism has really evolved since the time of radio broadcasts. We now have television broadcasts and the internet. All of these are great ways to get news. I believe it is based on personal preference so lets see what they say.

The first person person I interviewed was my good friend, Bill. He is my age and comes from my "generation". I asked him how he got his news and he said, "the internet". I have found that most people my age rely on the internet to get news whether its sports or politics. I think it is this case because we are always connected to our phones or computers. We are known as the "technological generation".

The next person I interviewed was my father, Rob. I chose to not reveal his age because he doesn't like telling people his age. I have found many people his age are shy about revealing their age so I will just say he is in his 40's. I asked him the questions, "How do you get your news?" He replied, "the internet and television." The reason he says he relies on both because when he is at work and in his car he uses his police computer when there is no television. I would consider him a news junkie since he is always wanting to see whats going on in the world.

The final person I interviewed was my sweet grandmother, Karen. She also chose not reveal her age but she is past her 60's. I asked her the question I asked the last two people and she replied, "I rely on the television to get news." I was really surprised that an older person didn't rely on radio broadcasts since that was their "time" but she doesn't. I questioned her further by asking, "how come you don't listen to the radio broadcasts?" She said that radio is outdated and the new technology is what she enjoys.

It seems that the new technology is taking over the old. Every person I asked said that they relied on the television or internet. The radio is still around but it seems like to these people that it isn't as popular as the internet or television which I would agree. I can only imagine what the future is going to bring in journalism and news world. 

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