Tuesday, September 27, 2011

03.02 First Amendment Freedoms

The Supreme Court vs. Davis has just shook the media and the court systems. This case shows that you have freedom of speech even when you are locked up in prison waiting to be put to death. But not only did Davis express his freedom of speech but the people that supported him with organized protests in front of the prison and around the world.

Troy Davis was an African American man that was accused and convicted of killing a police officer in Savannah, Georgia in 1989. There was substantial evidence from witnesses and was convicted to die a few days ago. Thanks to the news media we found that many people expressed there freedom of his innocence. We have also dealt with cases just like this. Also about the same time he was put to death a white supremacist accused and convicted of the dragging death of a black man had people rally for him for his innocence before his death. Both of these men had people supporting them with freedom of speech and they also practiced it themselves.

The protesters of Troy Davis case were allowed to rally outside and protest with picket signs and had megaphones chanting his innocence.  The same was with the white supremacist that was put to death. They had an established buffer zone and couldn't go on prison property or they would stay on prison property for some time. It was peaceful and didn't cause any violence and was well within the law. I believe that as long as they are calm and within the law they should be allowed to do this at anytime. With Troy Davis he was proclaiming his innocence to his death and even convinced the supreme court to review his case by freedom of speech.

This rights are great for people that are actually innocent. Any type of support from people during rough times is good especially with freedom of speech because in America you have a lot of power in your voice to be heard. I believe if this kind of freedom of speech was removed in this case Troy Davis he would have not be given a chance to reclaim in innocence before his death. But Davis killed a police officer and I believe that if you kill a police officer or anyone you else you deserve to be punished. I think a lot of this case was surrounded by the fact that he was an African American and he wasn't getting a fair trial. Based on evidence and eye witness accounts he did it and was given a fair trial. You can not use the racist argument every time.

Even in the court house you are given your freedom of speech to defend your innocence. In this case he was given it during his trial and was even allowed to express his innocence a second time when he asked the supreme court to review his case. You had people protesting outside for his innocence and the evidence just overwhelmed them. Freedom of speech is a right we are given to express ourselves and views. But unfortunately sometimes it isn't good enough and it falls short hurting people that are innocent but luckily based on the evidence it looked like a guilty person was rightly punished for their wrong doing.

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