Tuesday, September 13, 2011

2.05 Internet: News, Blogs, etc

Look around and there are so many different types of ways you can get your news. There is newspapers, radio, television and internet. They all have similarities and differences. So which one is the greatest for getting factual news?

Two of the most similar types of news is newspapers and the internet. Newspapers have written text that you read. The internet is the same since you read articles in text format. The difference between the two is the internet includes text and videos. The newspaper has text and pictures. The newspaper though is easier to receive everyday than buy a $500 laptop.

Radio and television are another set of news you can receive throughout the day. Radio is heard and not read. Television is seen and heard. Both allow you to get news but in very different ways. Radio and television makes you have to be in the room with the radio or televison to get it.

The internet is the final type of news there is. This is the newest type and most advanced. The internet involves news that is in text, video, radio, and televisoion format. It is always updating so breaking news isnt a problem like it is in newspaper. The only disadvantage would be that you would have to have access to a computer.

Out of all the different types of news the internet is the best choice. It provides all the previous types of news like newspaper (text and pictures) and television (videos). As long as you have a computer or phone you are going to be filled with the news of world on a device that is so small compared to the world yet you are going to know all about it in minutes by getting the news on it.

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