Wednesday, September 7, 2011

2.01 Print-Newspaper

When you get your newspaper you are usually getting a daily newspaper. But there is also a another type and it is called a weekly newspaper. There are a lot of similarities and there are differences.

The daily newspaper is a paper that is printed 7 days a week. It contains the news, sports, opinion, etc like any other paper. The paper is usually shorter than the weekly newspaper since it is printed everyday. Most people pick it up every morning with a cup of coffee. There is a problem with the daily newspaper because the internet has really took business away. This paper usually covers the breaking news of the day before.

The weekly newspaper is a paper that usually covers the news from the past week. It is usually brief articles since the daily newspaper had covered it for the last days. They include the news and the things that are usually in the daily news plus art. This paper is usually thicker than the daily newspaper since it covers the week.

The weekly and the daily newspaper are pretty much the same thing. If you are looking are one paper that covers the whole week go for the weekly paper but if you want a paper everyday to read get the daily newspaper. It is based on your own personal preference.

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