Wednesday, September 7, 2011

2.00 Introduction: What is News?

What is news? News is the information we get from a number of sources that tells us what is going on around the world. Centuries ago news was very different than it is today. They would travel hundreds of miles to tell about what happened in their area. Then came technology that opened the doors to the news. So how do we get news? Do we watch it, read it, hear it or do we get it from friends?
Every night we turn on the television we are surrounded by the sights of the news. It can be from sports news to celebrity news to international news. We read across the bottom of the screen at sports bars and hear it in our living room. We also pick up the newspaper next to the couch that dad was reading and read the news. We go out into public and are surrounded by friends that are gossiping about the latest news. We turn on the radio and hear the traffic reports and weather.
In our culture we don't get news just in one format but so many different ways. We hear it, read it, get it from friends and can almost hear it in our sleep. We have become connected to the news and can not put it down. It is like oxygen and we cant live without it. It is almost like it is built into our five senses.

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