Monday, September 19, 2011

3.01 Code of Ethics

5 Code of Ethics
  • Do not accept gifts or money from people that want their story published. (The reason why I chose this is because when someone wants to buy you in then they want you to do a favor they know is wrong. Also it is wrong to publish a story with only one side and thats what they want you to do by buying you a gift.)
  • Do not change a story and keep it original. (The reason why I chose this is because you want factual information in a story and not stuff that is changed.)
  • Give both sides to the story by interviewing both parties. (This is so the news is not biased.)
  • Be as accurate as possible providing information and photographs. (The reason why I chose this is because you want things that relate to the article that are factual including pictures from the scene of the story.)
  • Minimize hurt (The reason I chose this is because you dont want to go around hurting people that are already hurt.)
I think the reason why I chose these five rules for ethics because to me these are the most important. All five of these have the general theme of being honest. Honesty to me is very important in every situation even if you dont want to hear it. 

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