Wednesday, October 12, 2011

4.03 Ethos and Credibility

Writers generally write to inform their audience on factual information but sometimes they also use ethos. Ethos are when writers write with their values or ethics in mind. When reading an article from someone you share the same values with it may not seem like an issue but if you disagree with them then it really affects how you feel about the article. When writers make a comment about something they feel strongly about then you start to question if the article is factual at all.

Reading through articles on the internet I found one that was about a nasty virus that was affecting the U.S. drones. This sounds like a great article but you always have to make sure the authors ethics dont override the article. In the short but informative article the writer presents the evidence in separate parts describing what the virus is doing to the drone systems and how they are trying to fix it. 

To make sure the author of the article is even credible you should always check what company the author is writing from and in this case it is, The Week. The company and their journalists always write factual articles that are credible. He also presents credible sources including GeekoSystem Co. and others of other articles that first found out about this topic.

The author doesn't seem to offer any ethos except that the military needs to fix it and supports the U.S. in their defense. Anyone reading this article may not support the U.S. and his values so this is portrayed as his own feelings.

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