Monday, October 24, 2011

Lesson 5.00 Intro to the Writing Process

Writing plays a big role in our daily lives. If you look into history there are so many civilizations that tried to develop a system of writing. I believe it is very important for us because without it we would be back in the cavemen era.

I believe that spoken language is very important but writing lets us express our feelings even more. I have the habit of writing poems when I'm in a bad mood. When someone makes me mad or I have had a rough day I sit down with a piece of paper and a pen. The words just seem to flow on the paper. Writing is also very important because sometimes it isn't the right time to speak. I sometimes get in trouble with my mouth. When I'm upset with someone I generally tell them how I feel but with writing I can take a step back and think about what I'm writing down that I will eventually tell the person.

Writers like me get in trouble sometimes with their feelings. The goal of writing newspaper articles and information related articles is to inform them impartially. I think this happens rarely because writers are all human beings. Many people have a hard time keeping their opinions to themselves and they pay the consequences. If we could learn how to write impartially it would decrease much conflict in the world but would also make the world a lot more uninteresting.

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