Monday, October 3, 2011

4.00 Introduction to Persuasion

In our lives we come into contact with a lot of persuasion. When you turn on the television you are surrounded by opinion and persuasive commercials. You go out in your car and look to your left and right to see billboards. Then you turn on the radio and there are even more commercials of companies trying to promote their goods or services.

Messages that contain persuasive material can either be effective or ineffective. I think one of the greatest persuasive billboards I have came into contact with is those big Disney billboards as you head north toward Orlando on I-95. They talk about it being the happiest place on earth and display these great deals you can get. Then there are those insurance company commercials that prove to be ineffective. There is one insurance company that uses that little green lizard. The green lizard has nothing to do with insurance rates and the message of the company is lowly portrayed.

When trying to persuade someone it acts on their emotions. When your emotions are effected then you react or behave in a certain way. I found that the Disney billboard made and my family want to go to Disney even more. We actually decided that Disney was the place to go over Universal Studios because of the persuasion. Persuasion in the world is one of the greatest tools that can promote the sales of goods or even ideas.

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